"The most important book on free speech in decades—read it!" —SENATOR TED CRUZ
A New Strategy: We Win, They Lose
The Culture War is over, and the culture lost.
The Left's assault on liberty, virtue, decency, the Republic of the Founders, and Western civilization has succeeded.
You can no longer keep your social media account—or your job—and acknowledge truths such as: Washington, Jefferson, and Columbus were great men. Schools and libraries should not coach children in sexual deviance. Men don't have uteruses.
How did we get to this point?
Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire exposes and diagnosis the losing strategy we have fallen for and shows how we can change course—and start winning.
In the groundbreaking Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds Knowles reveals:
Read Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds if you want to learn how to take the fight to the enemy.